Thursday, March 28, 2013


So this is my second draft if you will of my Mid-Program Porfolio for San Jose State's Animation/Illustration program. So what I added was another page of gesture to my collection of figures drawings, so let me know what you guys think. Also, with the help from a friend (AKA Lancing thanks!) I made my own font using I guess my own personal style of hand writing. Its pretty cool! I called the font "MartzGraffica" lol
The website is, check it out if you want. But it is free and really easy to do.
So let me know what you guys think!
Yo TandT out!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Yo, hello world! Name is Uriel Martinez and this a blog mainly to post my success and failures as an inspiring artist. So let me tell you a little about myself. I like root beer, Japanese cars (especially my 1983 Toyota Celica Supra AKA Betsy), burritos, and long strolls along the beach lol. The first thing on the list that I am going to post is going to be my Mid-Program Portfolio for San Jose State's Animation/Illustration program. Yeah I am currently not in the program but am hoping to make it in this semester. As of right now all I have is a WIP of my portfolio. I still need to fix my figures and add some more gestures. I am also experimenting with the theme/composition of the layout in general. As of right now nothing is set in stone, so feel free to let me know what I can change and make it better.

Yo TandT out!!!